Updated September 1, 2023 by Scott Lindsay
Melatonin is probably the most widely used sleep supplement around. But I think you’d be better off snuggling a honey badger in heat. Stick around and I’ll tell you why I hate Melatonin and show you a better solution that worked for me.
Brief Explanation of Melatonin and Its Role in Regulating Sleep
Melatonin isn’t actually a supplement or vitamin. It’s a natural occurring hormone that produced in a specific region of your brain. When everything is working correctly, your brain releases melatonin in the evening and this signals to your body that it’s time to wind down for sleep.
Here’s why I’m not a fan of taking exogenous (made in lab) melatonin ...
Melatonin as a Sleep Aid and Sleep Quality
Recall that you need about 1-2 hours of stage three sleep every night. This is the deep phase of sleep that allows you to tackle the next day with focus, resilience, energy, strength, and health.
But your body doesn’t try to get all of that stage 3 sleep all at once. You actually go through 90 minute cycles when you sleep. So your body cycles through all 4 stages a number of times throughout the night.
And we know that your body actually front loads most your Stage 3 deep sleep to the earlier cycles.
So what that means is, as an example, you might get 45 minutes of stage 3 sleep in the first cycle … and then 20 minutes in the second … then 10 minutes in the third cycle … then 5 minutes in the fourth … and so on.
So those first few hours, those first few cycles, are the most important for your Stage 3 deep sleep.
Well, here’s where melatonin can actually muck all that up for you …
When you take melatonin … your body artificially goes into a drowsy state … but the rest of the your sleep systems they weren’t in sync yet … so your adrenal alarm says ‘wait a minute’ … there’s something wonky going on. I don’t know what caused this sudden flood of unexpected melatonin … so I’d better block deep sleep until I can process all of this chemical and make sure there isn’t some kind of danger attached.
Remember, your adrenal alarm will always keep you in the lighter stages of sleep if it even perceives a heightened stress or danger.
And really, that was my experience. I found that when I used to use melatonin myself … sure, I found that could often fall asleep easier … but it didn’t help the way I woke up. I still felt like crap the next morning.
And, in hindsight, it makes sense. I was unconscious sure … but I wasn’t experiencing any of the benefits of stage 3 deep sleep. In fact, I was blocking stage 3 sleep just by taking melatonin.
So what does this mean for men’s health in general?
Testosterone Level in Men Who Use Melatonin
You likely know much about the role testosterone plays in your body already:
But a funny thing happens when you start to read some of the research connecting melatonin supplement with testosterone levels. A couple of studies actually show that melatonin supplementation increases testosterone levels.
A few more study show that it lowers testosterone levels
And that rest show that it has no effect at all.
So what gives?
Well, when you look at it through the lens of stage 3 deep sleep, it starts to make a lot more sense. If it’s not the level of melatonin supplementation that is effecting testosterone levels in men, but rather the amount of stage 3 deep sleep that is resulting from the (likely) multiple strategies that individual is using to optimize their sleep, then you can start to make some clear connections to testosterone levels.
Melatonin and the Aging Process in Men
The same thing happens when we start to review the link between melatonin and aging.
We can links between lowering melatonin levels with age and subsequent decreases in sleep quality and testosterone levels … and increases in things like Alzheimer’s and cancer.
But could melatonin supplementation really cuase a reversal in these ailments? Or is it more linkely that a decrease in natural melatonin is simply a symptom of a complex and holistic metabolic state? One that could be better addressed by trying to optimize stage 3 deep sleep first?
Is It Safe To Take Melatonin?
Melatonin is generally considered safe for most men at low doses and when taken occasionally. It’s when melatonin usage becomes long term, and men start to experiment with higher and higher does, that the trouble can start.
Here are some of the report side effect of melatonin supplementation in men:
So for all of those reasons, I wouldn’t recommend melatonin as part of your regular sleep stack. There are simply much better ways to optimize your stage your deep sleep and start to reap the tremendous rewards that come with a might slumber. You can find the breakthrough protocol here.
What is melatonin and how does it relate to men's health?
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone produced. It helps regulate sleep-wake cycles and is commonly used as a supplement to treat sleep disorders, such as insomnia, jet lag, and circadian rhythm disorders. Recent studies have suggested, however, that melatonin may also have an impact on men's health - specifically on testosterone levels.
Can melatonin supplementation affect testosterone levels in men?
The jury is definitely still out on this one. Some studies have shown a potential association with testosterone levels in men. Others have shown no link. It's clear that more research is still needed.
Are there any specific benefits of melatonin supplementation for men's health?
The entire industry is based off the claim that this supplement will help enhance sleep. There is little proof that it promotes Stage 3 Deep Sleep, however. In my opinion, Stage 3 Deep Sleep is the most important factor in promoting men's health ... and melatonin simply shows little benefits in contributing to this stage.
Can melatonin supplementation help with sexual dysfunction in men?
There is little to no evidence that this is the case. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment of such conditions.
Can melatonin supplementation affect sperm health in men?
The relationship between melatonin and sperm health is not well understood. While some studies suggest that it may have a positive effect on sperm quality, more research is needed to confirm these findings and understand the mechanisms.
Can melatonin supplementation be used to treat low testosterone levels in men?
These supplements are not typically used to directly treat low testosterone (TT) levels in men. If you suspect you have low TT levels, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and treatment options.
Are there any potential side effects of melatonin supplementation in men?
Melatonin is generally considered safe for short-term use. However, long-term use or high doses of melatonin can cause side effects such as daytime sleepiness, dizziness, headache, and stomach discomfort. It is important to use melatonin supplements under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
Is it recommended for adult men to use melatonin supplements?
Supplement use should be based on individual circumstances and under the guidance of a healthcare provider. It's important to discuss your specific sleep problems and overall health with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation.
How does the body produce melatonin and what is its role in the sleep-wake cycle?
The body naturally produces melatonin in the pineal gland - a small region in the brain. Melatonin production is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. It plays a key role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle and helps signal the body when it's time to sleep.
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